Thursday 3 July 2014

Causes of Acne

 “It is really hard to face a problem, especially if that problem is with the face” it represents who you are. Anyone wants to be represented accordingly and to leave good impressions is the main goal. So I’m sharing this hub to somewhat inform on ways to have a beautiful pimple- free face.

·    Genetics :   If your parents had acne you may have inherited that tendency
·     Hormones:  Puberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. These changing hormones cause skin glands to start making more oil (sebum). Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist. Acne begins when oil mixes with dead cells and clogs the skin's pores.
·        Cosmetics:  This type of acne is also known as acne cosmetica. Recent research states that there is a clear link between use of cosmetics and acne. Comedogenic cosmetics or products that are not oil-free contain certain ingredients which cause pimples and blackheads to develop on the surface of the skin. Comedogenic cosmetics, as the name suggests, can create whiteheads when the product is applied.
·      Bad eating habit: Processed food creates perfect conditions for pimples, they raise sugar level quickly and cause insulin level to rise, these foods can indirectly cause pimples because the metabolism changes in response to them and boosts insulin, over time high insulin levels can make skin drier, thicker, and flakes of dry skin block pores. It can also increase levels of free androgens (male hormones) in males and females, making the skin's sebaceous glands produce more oil and triggering acne, These food includes fries, chocolate, sugary snacks, soft drinks e.t.c
·     Lack of sleep:  Once your blood level are raised your hormone levels are affected, as a sebum production and blocked pores, creating a fresh various cycle of acne
·     Food allergies:  Eating a food which the body is  allergic to leads to a continuous toxic reaction in such a way the immune  system fights the food as if it were an invading organism, this can cause inflammation of the skin and many other conditions as well as the need to eliminate the toxin

·        Stress:  When your body is stressed there is a hormone fluctuation that causes an increase in the amount of oil your skin secretes, which can cause acne to form or worsen

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