Monday 21 July 2014

How do you exercise to get rid of a pot belly stomach?

 Belly fat. Ugh. The one thing standing between you and your swim suit. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes more than just sit-ups to slim down your waist.

 When people refer to their pot belly they generally mean the excess fat around their waistline. There are several ways you can get a pot belly and there are also different exercises you can do to get rid of a pot belly stomach.
Use the goal tracker to banish your pot belly blues now!
It is always easier to get a pot belly than it is to get rid of it. If you eat right and exercise regularly you may be able to avoid getting a pot belly to begin with. Once you get one you need to be extra vigilant with your daily nutrition and activity levels.
A pot belly cannot be cured with magic diet supplements or special clothing that you wear while watching television. The only way to get rid of your pot belly stomach is to exercise and improve your dietary habits.

What causes pot belly?
Different people experience pot belly for different reasons. Some people may have weak abdominal muscles or they bloat easily. Other people have constipation problems or like to drink too much beer and not exercise.
If you can determine what caused your pot belly stomach then you can make some conscious lifestyle choices to eliminate it. If you know certain foods cause you to bloat then you may want to try and avoid them, or at least do not eat them just before you exercise or go out with friends.
Women who have been pregnant may get a pot belly at random times based on the foods they eat because their stomach muscles have been overstretched and will now bloat more easily. If beer is your pot belly enemy, then reduce your intake or eliminate it from your diet altogether.
As you age, your metabolism slows down and that makes it harder to get rid of your pot belly, too. You need to increase your activity level as you get older in order to burn more calories. By burning more calories you can burn fat and eliminate your pot belly. Once you get a pot belly you have to work extra hard to reduce it. In addition to avoiding pot belly triggers you need to exercise correctly.
If I don’t exercise how can I get rid of pot belly?
You have to exercise in order to get rid of a pot belly stomach. You can avoid some triggers that cause pot belly stomach but there is only one way to reduce it without exercise. The only way around exercising is drastic measures such as liposuction. Liposuction can suck the fat (literally) from your stomach area.
Depending on how much fat you have, this can leave you with a great amount of excess sagging skin. The excess skin may tighten over time, but more than likely you will need some type of surgical procedure to remove the excess skin.
What kind of exercise get rid of pot belly
The best exercise you can do to get rid of a pot belly stomach is to combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise can help you burn fat and anaerobic exercise can help you build muscle, which in turn helps to burn fat.
Aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise work together to get the most complete workout for any fitness goals. When you are targeting your pot belly there are certain exercises you can do for both types of exercises that concentrate on the abdominals.
Certain types of exercise are specifically designed for the core of your body; your abdominals. Pilates is a total body workout that concentrates on the core throughout. Certain floor exercises,
Any aerobic exercise that causes you to sweat is going to help you burn calories and fat. Swimming, walking, and general aerobic routines are all good ways to get rid of a pot belly stomach.
You can also work on getting rid of your pot belly stomach throughout the day. Keep yourself in good posture at all times to reduce the appearance of a pot belly.

All day long, keep your stomach muscles contracted and your core held tight. Think of sucking your belly button all the way to your back. Since muscles have memory, this trick can actually help you keep good form.

Friday 4 July 2014

Hair breakage treatment tips

Your hair`s been breaking off more and more into your brush, your ends are frayed, and one part of your hair is longer than the other? You`ve searched for a MIRACLE: a product, a hairstylist, something or someone that will get your hair back to how it used to be before it got “messed up? read on for some tips


Dry, frayed ends are to say the least embarrassing. If your hair is very dry, you might hear that popping/crackling noise when you go over your ends with a comb. Your scalp produces natural oils that keep a certain level of moisture in your hair. The speed that these oils travel down your hair shaft will vary depending on your hair type. The curlier and thicker your hair is, the slower the process. However, even if your scalp produces plenty of oil, you may be cancelling it out by washing it every day, not conditioning, and continuously straightening. The weather and your daily activities also have an important effect on the level of moisture your hair has. For example, if you’re a swimmer, the chlorine and winter weather will dry your hair out tremendously.

2. CONSIDER GETTING A TRIM                                                                                                       It may be hard to let go of your ends. We all know the feeling of dreading those scissors; not to mention every stylist we go to seems to want to cut! But regular trims every 6-8 weeks will dramatically reduce your breakage. If your hair is especially damaged, it may seem at first like a lot of hair, but as you increase your trims, and follow the tips above, you will grow stronger, healthier hair.
Experiencing hair breakage and loss can be worrisome and saddening; if you take the right steps towards improving your condition however, you’re well on your way to being an overall more healthy and happy person

High heat = damage = breakage. Frequent heat = damage = breakage. See a pattern here? While curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers make our lives easier, allowing us to wear just about any style we can think up, these tools can also cause irrevocable damage when used too often or incorrectly. Constantly "bumping" your ends with an iron will weaken, thin and break them over time. Using heat that's way too hot even once can break your hair.
Use other methods of styling, such as wet setting on magnetic rollers, Wet wrap the hair for a sleek look, or wet set with braids and twists for cool waves. Save the heat tools for special occasions, and definitely no more than once a week.

Chemically treated hair can be extremely damaging to your hair and scalp. If you need to relax your hair, seek advice from a professional stylist. They will advise you as to what is best for your hair type, you can relax hair once every three/four months

Too much brushing, combing and washing can further damage your hair. Try to avoid washing your hair every day as this can cause your hair to lose its natural moisture, creating dry and brittle hair, once your hair is in place, leave it be

Exposure to sunlight and chlorine or salt water can dry your hair, causing it to weaken and lead to breakage. Follow good summer hair care habits such as wearing a hat or scarf on hot sunny days or a swimming cap to protect your hair from chlorine or saltwater when in the pool or at the beach

Make sure to use the proper comb or brush for your hair. Use a wide toothed comb or pick to comb your hair after washing it. Be careful not to comb your hair when it is completely wet, as wet hair tends to be more fragile. Use a leave-in-conditioner to make it easier to comb through your hair

8. YOUR DIET IS LACKING                                                                                                         Your hair needs protein to stay strong. Protein can repair weak spots in the hair shaft, warding off breakage. But be forewarned, too much protein can make the hair brittle. And too much moisture makes strands too flexible. It's important to find the right balance of moisture and protein

Thursday 3 July 2014

Causes of Acne

 “It is really hard to face a problem, especially if that problem is with the face” it represents who you are. Anyone wants to be represented accordingly and to leave good impressions is the main goal. So I’m sharing this hub to somewhat inform on ways to have a beautiful pimple- free face.

·    Genetics :   If your parents had acne you may have inherited that tendency
·     Hormones:  Puberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. These changing hormones cause skin glands to start making more oil (sebum). Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist. Acne begins when oil mixes with dead cells and clogs the skin's pores.
·        Cosmetics:  This type of acne is also known as acne cosmetica. Recent research states that there is a clear link between use of cosmetics and acne. Comedogenic cosmetics or products that are not oil-free contain certain ingredients which cause pimples and blackheads to develop on the surface of the skin. Comedogenic cosmetics, as the name suggests, can create whiteheads when the product is applied.
·      Bad eating habit: Processed food creates perfect conditions for pimples, they raise sugar level quickly and cause insulin level to rise, these foods can indirectly cause pimples because the metabolism changes in response to them and boosts insulin, over time high insulin levels can make skin drier, thicker, and flakes of dry skin block pores. It can also increase levels of free androgens (male hormones) in males and females, making the skin's sebaceous glands produce more oil and triggering acne, These food includes fries, chocolate, sugary snacks, soft drinks e.t.c
·     Lack of sleep:  Once your blood level are raised your hormone levels are affected, as a sebum production and blocked pores, creating a fresh various cycle of acne
·     Food allergies:  Eating a food which the body is  allergic to leads to a continuous toxic reaction in such a way the immune  system fights the food as if it were an invading organism, this can cause inflammation of the skin and many other conditions as well as the need to eliminate the toxin

·        Stress:  When your body is stressed there is a hormone fluctuation that causes an increase in the amount of oil your skin secretes, which can cause acne to form or worsen

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Tips for managing pimples for the African skin

Sometimes it may seem like your face is impossible to manage, especially when you wake up and find a huge zit on your nose or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat common facial problems — read on for some tips.

§  Wash your face twice daily. Use a mild soap made especially for people with pimples, and warm water. Do not scrub the skin.
§  Don't try to burst the pimples. You may push the infection further down, causing more blocking and worse swelling and redness. Popping pimples makes scarring more likely.
§  Try to refrain from touching your face with your hands. When you are on the phone try not to let the receiver touch your face - there may be sebum and skin residue on it.
§  Keep your hands clean, wash them regularly.
§  Always wash your hands before touching your face. These includes before applying lotions, creams or makeup.
§  You skin needs to breathe. If your pimples is on your back, shoulders or chest try wearing loose clothing. Tight garments, such as headbands, caps and scarves should be avoided - if you have to wear them make sure they are cleaned regularly.
§  Don't go to sleep with makeup on. Only use makeup that is nonceomedogenic or nonpimplesgenic - you should be able to read this on the label. If you cannot find it, ask the shopkeeper or pharmacist. You should use makeup which does not have oil and does not clog up the pores.
§  Hair collects sebum and skin residue. Keep your hair clean and away from your face.
§  Too much sun can cause your skin to produce more sebum. Several pimples medications make it more likely that you will be sunburned.
§  If you shave your face, do it carefully. Use either an electric shaver or safety razors. If you use a safety razor make sure the blade is sharp. Soften your skin/beard with warm soapy water before applying the shaving cream.